systems leadership program





an 10 month collective learning journey to discover, nurture and grow your systems leadership wisdom and experience.

'leadership does not reside in a person but in an arena that can be occupied by offerings of specific wisdom to the needs of the community. so leadership is produced collectively in the community, not the individual... leadership for this era is not a role, or set of traits; it’s a zone of inter-relational process.'

~ nora bateson, ‘small arcs of larger circles’

a program delivered in partnership

important details:



the program will offer an early bird registration rate of $3000 AUD inc. of gst from november 7th to january 12. 
regular program fees are $3500 AUD incl of gst starting january 13st. 

are you…

curious, a deep listener, enjoy learning with others?

open to diverse ways of knowing and being, and don't expect to have all the answers? 

value stretching and growing, appreciating it's not always comfortable?  

are you wanting to be in service of the system while caring and sustaining self through the process?

the systems leadership program is a place of care, growth and companionship for the journey in your systems work.  it is a place where we will lean 

inwards before outwards

towards our experience and contribution in the system over technical innovative solutions

towards wisdom as an expression of leadership

towards peer learning, support and community building 



explore our theory of change for systems leadership

the program’s approach models the characteristics of a complex system by:

  • follow multiple systems thinking lineages and wisdom traditions
  • drawing in creativity and playfulness to encourage random new connections and insights
  • acknowledging and working with the wisdom of the collective
  • engaging emergent learning to reflect and sensemake on the program’s collective journey
  • listening deeply to self, community and system through meditation practices
  • exploring multiple ways of learning
  • building tools and supports as we go to continue to practice with

focus and flow of program:

the program flows through 4 key stages for the live sessions.

  • Community Building: sessions 1-3
  • Systems Leadership Foundations: sessions 4-5
  • Practicing Systems Leadership: sessions 6-21 which cycle between key concepts and application, meditation and peer coaching, reflection and integration 
  • Celebration and closing: session 21

 To further support learning, connection and integration the program includes: 

  • Paired peer meetups
  • Private coaching with seanna and dana
  • Self - directed learning: individual reflective writing and journey tracking

hear from current participant zenaida beatson,

designer and director @ for purpose  

read the transcription




in this program you will be invited to reimagine and work towards the personal goals you want to achieve as a systems leader


  • develop your system knowledge and wisdom on key system practice topics across the themes of: being, doing, relating, knowing, thinking and perceiving
  • track the expansion of your systems leadership skills across the programs journey
  • experience multiple learning modes
  • engage and build capacity for collective sensemaking
  • tools to integrate your learning, both from within and beyond the program
  • develop and sustain mindfulness skills and practice
  • build long-term peer connections to travel the system journey with
  • identify the kind of leader you want to be in the system
  • listen, learn and develop capacity to sit with insights from multiple lineages and traditions to managing uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity in the system
  • gain understanding of the multiple contexts in which this work occurs via other participants and teachers
  • practice responding to the system in real time - via the peer coaching and crowdsourcing responses to systems challenges
  • integrate embodiment into your practice
  • gain a toolkit of activities and practices which you’ll have experienced through the program


supporting resources:

  • all sessions are recorded and slides provided in an online learning platform
  • all activities introduced in the program are available for continued use through access to our shared mural board.  
  • participants are encouraged to apply what they are learning in their own contexts. the program does not include a standalone project.


  • program runs February to early November
  • 2 hr live zoom sessions best suited to australasia 
  • *please mind the clock changes across the year 
  • fortnightly schedule for live sessions. 
  • total of 4 hours of live sessions each month
  • optional activities each month up to 4hrs
    • individual reflective writing, tracking and course integration
    • paired peer conversation  between live course sessions 
  • 1 coaching session with Dana and 1 coaching session with Seanna for each participant over the course of the program are included in course fees 

read about your program directors 

dana shen

dana has over 20 years’ experience working across the public and not for profit sectors in the areas of health, families and child protection. dana recently completed a two-year mindfulness meditation teacher’s course with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach and is brings a strong First Nations and Ngarrindjeri lens to mindfulness practice.

read more about dana

seanna davidson

seanna has more than 15 years experience as a systems practitioner, process designer, and educator in systems thinking and systemic change. her work draws on several areas of practice including human geography, art of hosting and theoryU, process work, and developmental evaluation and design.

read more about seanna

what folks have said about our programs

"i was really was  impressed by dana and seanna and their experience and knowledge in systems and how they're able to share it in such an inclusive way. i really love that they marry science and Indigenous knowledge and can draw upon so much experience in the field of complex systems."

~ zenaida beatson, designer and director, for purpose

"i feel new confidence about my role in systems leadership and have strengthened my connections and support network too"

~ euan black, wilto willo lead - network and initiative partnership, TACSI

"dana and seanna work seamlessly together to provide a grounded, safe and authentic learning environment and over time a community of people who looked forward to learning about themselves at a deeper level - anchoring themselves in a mindful presence, opening up to learning, sharing ideas, concepts, framework about systems thinking and the personal and professional struggles and successes in maximising impact for the betterment of society across various complex systems."

~ steph mudie, dhs south australia, senior project officer 

frequently asked questions

do i need to be a senior leader in my organization or community?

nope :) we are totally reframing leadership, and titles are not required. our approach to leadership is about good folks, working in a collective for the health of the whole.  sound like you?

should I sign up with colleagues?

yes! this is a great idea to strengthen the capacity for systems leadership in your organization or work.  however, it is not required! 

do I need extensive experience in systems thinking?

no! this program is not academic, methods or project based, and does not require you to have experience in systems thinking or systems methods.  this program has a core focus on you as a practitioner in the system.  so open and curious, learning focused minds are welcome. having said that, we will be providing a tool box of practical methods and practices that you can apply if you wish

do I need to attend all sessions live?

we strongly encourage you to participate in all sessions live. however we appreciate that life happens and there will be times when you are needed elsewhere. for that reason recordings are provided. however you will benefit most from the content and the community by participating as much as you can.

do I need to do all the offline work? 

we have tried to make this as minimal as possible, while still providing a strong focus on community connection, reflection and learning.  it is your choice if you’d like to opt into pair meetings, optional coaching and reflections, but we would offer that it is an important aspect of systems leadership :)

will there be tools to help us apply systems leadership in our own contexts? 

absolutely! you'll get a facilitation guide to everything we work with after you've already practiced in session, small group peer coaching for challenges you're working through, a coaching session with each dana and seanna, and paired peer connections for skills and wisdom sharing.  
